
CryptoFury Community
12 min readDec 14, 2021

CryptoFury Community x Mech Master

⏰ Time: Dec 14th , 2 PM UTC
💰 Giveaway : 200$
💎 Place :

Question for Part 1- Project overview:

1 : To begin the AMA, can you tell us a little bit about Mech Master? Could you tell us a little bit about the team and their previous experience with cryptocurrency projects?


Mech Master is the first game of Mirai Studio. I met Hikari, the other founder of Mirai Studio, in our past projects in our previous companies and we found ourselves as friends at first. We had some of the discussion regarding GameFi project and that was when the idea of starting off a game studio was born.

Mech Master is the result of the contribution of 50+ people. We are a team of experts and highly skilled individuals across the country, who come together for one mission only — creating this incredible Mecha game for everyone.

Our team is based in Vietnam, and we came from many international game companies established here in Vietnam, such as Microsoft Publish, Gameloft, Scopely and so on. With the experience from each of team mate, that makes us to have full-stake in creating Mech Master game from a to z. However, additional technology that not the core of the game, we have partners for each of it.

2 : It appears that Metaverse is now a requirement for Blockchain games. What is Mech Master’s strategy for capturing this trend?


Glad to have the opportunity to talk about Mech Master metaverse.

But no, we don’t captivate this trend. Mech Master was born with the idea of Metaverse and for us, Metaverse isn’t a trend. It’s our core strategy.

Gunpla culture, originally from Japan, has inspired us for this Mech Master game. And if you’re familiar with Gunpla culture, you may be aware that it has all of the elements needed to build the ideal Metaverse world. Mech Master gameplay has always been intended to be a part of the Metaverse.

Mech Master metaverse is the where distinct realities and virtual worlds merge. Players earn by winning fights with their preferred array of enormous Mechas with stunning 3D models to combat against others, hire new pilots, obtain new weaponry, demonstrate tactical power, and much more. And with their earnings, players may purchase moon lands to grow their operations. We apply real-world-like economics, in which moonland is a valued asset.

3: Tell us a little bit more about it! What is the Mech Master metaverse, exactly? Do you understand why I’m posing this question? Because while many Blockchain games mention Metaverse, not all of them really implement it.


To be more precise, let’s me sum up in short: Mech Master is an online arena where DeFi reigns by fusing together cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology, non-fungible tokens and video gaming. And add-on that, AR & VR technology will be applied to create our unique metaverse with Mechas as a core part with everything revolving around them.
Being the pioneer in 3D Mecha NFT game with both AR and VR technologies implemented, Mech Master allow its players to own a highly interactive 3D Mecha Model in a futuristic world. Players can even bring out the intense battle into the real world in 3D format, adding to the immersive experience. More exciting updates are on the way providing thrilling gameplay from the Mecha’s perspective, or cruising along the brawl of the giant robots in VR format.

And yes, we know that creating a full metaverse is hard and to reach the level of our expectation is expensive, time consuming and bearning many tech challenges. That’s why we’re working with different partners to have their supports, espcially on technology. Mech Master metaverse will be release after the full game release which will be in Q1 2022, expected in Q2 2022 in the form of AR first.

Part 2: Pre-selected questions from our community

1 : Do you have any samples of work in progress that you can share to illustrate how you’re gearing up for the Mech Master metaverse? If you can give us an example right now, I’ll have greater faith in you.


haha, you bet! Yes, would love to show you some of the AR video from our AR app, which, by the way, will be released for Android and iOS very soon so that you guys can take Mech Master Mechas just about everywhere

Here our team mate with his new pet. Everyone at Mech Master has their own pet which they don’t need to take care of : )

Quick view of our coming very soon AR app for Mecha owners

2 : Let’s look at your token in more detail. What are the advantages and disadvantages of tokenomics? Where can people purchase your token and how can they buy it?


Main Token Utility: In-game Currency, Staking, PVP wage, speed up time-gated content, gold exchange, buy and customized mecha, NFT farming, NFT renting, Gacha system and Governance.

There are 5 primary utilities of the $MECH tokens:
In-game currency: Most items in the game will be payable using $MECH tokens. Mech Master players can use $MECH tokens to build and/or upgrade Mechas, land, and weapons which can easily be traded with others. They can also use $MECH tokens to enter special events in the Mech Master universe and receive more $MECH tokens.
Governance tokens: Their holders can vote for new features and settings of the game. Furthermore, they can lock $MECH tokens for a specific time to gain voting rights. The more $MECH tokens locked, the more voting power they obtain.
NFT farming and renting: $MECH tokens can be used to farm and rent NFTs and other collectibles. Besides practicing all these by themselves, players can hire others to upgrade their NFTs and monetize from NFTs upgraded.
Staking: $MECH holders can become a part of the game by staking $MECH tokens into pools. Different pools will yield different rewards such as new items, new Mechas, or $MECH tokens.
NFT creating: $MECH holders can use $MECH tokens to receive Mecha weapons as randomized rewards.

Until the official launch of the game is in Q1 2022, it is about 3–4 months. During these months, Mech Master will launch a series of key features, especially aimed at those lucky enough to buy Mech Master NFT boxes, including an app to take selfies and videos with Mechas. Openable from the box, initial personalization for Mechas, some announcements about Mechas staking as well as $MECH token staking.

At the same time, users who stake $MECH token will have the opportunity to participate in the initial release game test with many chances to own the super rare Mecha legendary, giving them an advantage in battles when the game launches.

October 24, 2021, marks the beginning of the $MECH token journey and it could not have started any better as we had our IDO. However, this is only a start. We also has unveiled our Game Market coming along with the NFT box opening event.

$MECH token metric:

Circulating supply: 12.3m
IDO Price $.04
Price now $.40

Current Mcap: $5.4m
Community trust: 100%

Full send on Dextools:

You can buy $MECH now on Pancake Swap ( or MEXC (

Our official contract address is: 0xc7b7844494c516b840a7a4575ff3e60ff0f056a9

3 : Let’s speak about your marketing strategy, collaborations, and influencers with whom you’re working with


To name a few of our partners, including IceTea Labs, Youbi, Basics Capital, Kyros Ventures, as well as the other well-known VCs such as Lotus Capital, Au21, MiH, Magnus Capital, x21… They’ve been helping us in terms of marketing, open up the network, advising on strategy, technology advises…

For KOLs, we have Cryptocurry, Cagetocrypto, OnlinePESA, CryptoForce, Crypto Thugs Capital, InfinitYHunterZCluB, Prestito, Skippy, UniswapEarlyCalls, Cryptonation, Moon11, Crypto Rank, Money Guru, Altcoin Buzz, AVstar Capital, Blocktalks, Crypto Knowledge, InfinityDOT, Top7 ICO, Altcoin Alerts, Infinity Gainz, Edna, tehMoonwalkeR, FaceMelter, Satoshi Club, Exnetwork Capital, Mandy, Fomokid, Money King, Cryptodaku, Overdose GEM, CryptoOcean, Spicygem, Cryptolover, AJ analysis, Crypto Fomo, CryptoMasterC, Capital pty ltd, HyperGrowth, Kriptosteel, JarePR…

New names will be announced soon as now we have signed with new partners in terms of technologies and future developments of Mech Master.

4: What are the project’s primary goals? Can you tell us what you have planned for the next six months?


The most important milestone for Mech Master is, of course, the official game launch which will happen in Q1–2022.

We are on track with this deadline. However, to make it happen on time, our team is working days and nights till that date. Right after that, new game features will be released to engage with players on-board.

in short, in the next 6 months, we’ll focus the most at the game. Beside that, we have 3 events in plan to give the opportunities for our communities to win valuable items and freebies, including expensive NFTs. So to grab a chance, join our comminites today.

5 : What social media accounts can we follow to learn more about Mech Master?


There are many fake / scam groups out there using Mech Master brandname, unfortunately.

Please be very careful and only join the following groups/channels that are Mech Master Officially as below:

Official Social Media Links:
🌐 Website:
📣 Telegram ANN:
🚀 Game Market:
💰 Staking Mech:
🎯 ( Twitter (
🖲 ( Discord (
📄 ( Whitepaper (
🎬 ( Youtube (
🗃 ( Medium (

Official Discussion Channel:
🌎 ( Global Channel (
🇻🇳 ( Vietnamese (
🇯🇵 ( 日本語 (
🇰🇷 ( Korean (
🇨🇳 ( Chinese- (中文 (
🇷🇺 ( Russian (
🇮🇩 ( Indonesian (
🇵🇭 ( Philippines (
🇹🇷 ( Turkish (

Also, we are expanding and looking to work with new Community Managers. So, if you have the skill and think you are up for it, feel free to reach me out to be our new community managers of the existed communities or others.

Question for Part 3: Guests will choose 5 live questions from members and answer directly in CryptoFury Community

1 : I would like to know if you’ve completed any security audits? Perhaps by third-parties? We’ve seen dozens of hacks, exploits and stuff like that this year, What measures have been taken to protect Mech Master community from it?


We want to Bring as much trust as possible to the users. Therefore, Smart contract auditing is the very early thing we do.

Mech Master has successfully passed the Smart Contract audit by Hacken, the leading cybersecurity service provider. You can find more info here

And you can also read our whitepaper here:

2 : Do you plan for BSC or Your project in future? Do have plans to add your project in various blockchains in the future?


We actually focus on BSC for now. The main reason is that this chain has many users in our target market. Also, game like Mech Master creates a big numbers of transactions. Gas fee on BSC is considered as the most affordable on the market and it’s a good reason to attract players.

For other chain, we expect to bring Mech Master to them in Q3.2022

3: Many new projects are starting to develop very well but not long term, why should we trust and invest in your long-term project? Innovation, community, development, which one will you do first? Can you share


We didn’t start this project yesterday. We started it 9 months ago and we started to raise funds only 1 and half months ago. And when the game is fully released in Q1–2022, that already takes us more than 1 year to work on the game.

This is to let you know that if we plan to abandon, it wouldn’t take that long, and we already spent our founder’s fund to develop the project from scratch instead of just cloning some code and graphic like many others are doing out there. When we talked to investors, we didn’t just talk on paper. We showed them the progress and our done work.

And it takes that long due to the complication of fully 3D rendering mechas we want to put in-game. And one of our unique points is also the full ecosystem that will not just only please gamers or traders, also gamers who trade.

We’ve already had the plan for Mech Master to grow in the next 5 years will all the features and updates are in plan. The big update will be released in 5 months, after the full game released in Q1–2021 with 17 new features in plan to make players exciting.

One of the other reason for you to trust us, trust Mech Master is because of Redkite. Those people at Redkite are so hard at due diligence. They look at our code, talk to each member of our team to see if we’re legit and check all the draft to make sure we have original ideas and we’re are true doers. So, we passed, got their support and it’s why we can be here today.

4 : Do you have a Token Burning plan to increase Token value and attract Investors to invest?


Mech Master focuses on managing $MECH token circulation carefully and has a suitable burning mechanism to avoid generating too many $MECH tokens. One of the most common burning mechanics in the Mech Master game is that when a player uses $MECH to upgrade Mecha (weapons, equipment, pilots, etc.), 55% of the total tokens needed for the upgrade will be burned. . The remaining 45% will go to funds including marketing, liquidity, founders, advisors and development.

Similarly, the needs to use $MECH tokens in the game all generate the same burn mechanism with different rates to always maintain a reasonable amount of traffic throughout the game operation and this amount of traffic is always strictly controlled. regularly.

5 : NFT is not just a trend! It is going to rule this decade, and innovation has just started. So, with NFT, what is your future plan??NFT is not just a trend! It is going to rule this decade, and innovation has just started. So, with NFT what is your future plan??


Mech Master universe being a P2E NFT game comprises numerous unique and NFT collectibles representing characters, machines, land, and different kinds of items in the Mech Master game. There are multiple tiers of collectibles each representing a different value and uniqueness. The more unique an NFT, the harder it is to get in the gameplay.

One of the more important NFTs is called Mecha NFT which is an ERC-721 NFT collectible. It represents a giant fighting machine in the Mech universe. This is the centerpiece of Mech Master’s gameplay, as players will use their Mechas to compete with others. There are 5 tiers of the rarity of Mecha, Equipment, and Pilot.

● Common
● Uncommon
● Rare
● Epic
● Legendary

Apart from these five there will also be two special tiers for:

● Limited time items
● Set Equipment

All details about Mech Master could be found below

🛢 Website:
🛢 Twitter:
🛢 Telegram Chat:

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