CryptoFury Community x Sangkara
⏰ Time: Nov 30th, 12:00 PM UTC
💰 Giveaway : 300$ MISA
💎 Place :

Question for Part 1- Project overview:
1. Could you please introduce yourself and Sangkara?
Token Run at BSC — BEP 20
This is FIRST INDONESIAN TOKEN Backed on REAL Asset and Business
We are Legal Entity at Indonesia, under PT. Mitra Sangkara Abadi (MSA)
We also make NFT Creation for Various Indonesia Artist (
We own our on Digital Platform for Online Concert (
We do Traditional Business Farming, plantation, etc work together with APEDI (
With Proud we also declare we Are the first Indonesian token doing IEO at PROBIT GLOBAL Exchanger
Smart Contract (SC) Token SANGKARA $MISA :
our website :
Our Telegram Grup :

2. Project like Sangkara may require to Spread Awareness and need educate to the new users. Do you offer any ambassador programme role for it? How do you plan to aware about your project and marketing plans?
Agustino : Yes We Offer Ambassador Program in some Country, that’s why our website already have 6 language
Agustino, [30/11/2021 18:57]
for NFT Creation we work together with :
- www.bantayahall,com ( Online Concert platform at Indonesia )
For plantation Business we work together with :
- (Association Of Indonesian Village Businessman)
For IEO we do with :
PROBIT Global (
And we Do AMA in many places to get more traction and make the World know we are here
- Criptoiz Indonesia
- Grup Stunt Man Indonesia
- Grup CryptoBlaster
- Grup Crypto Challanger
We also build good connection with many stake holder in the world especially at Indonesia to make this project Blast to the moon
We will listing not only in PROBIT GLOBAL, Hold our Token and you will see many Exchanger will trade our token.
Big investor we will do VESTING , and SANGKARA also will buy back the TOKEN every 6 month, so there will only small amount left in the market
Stacking Program will do with some event held
We Already blast in some Media in Indonesia to Showing our plan
And We will Aldo Blast in some International Media during our IEO

3. How is Sangkara planning to attract users and show that Sangkara is a tool with better underlying technology and easier, more intuitive development experience? What are the challenges you are trying to solve in the next 6–12 months ?
Agustino : From the beginning, MSA has proclaimed itself as the first token in Indonesia that has underlying assets. In addition, MSA itself is a legal entity and is recognized in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Until now, there is no token, which is widely known as Crypto currency, in Indonesia having assets in the real world which serves as a security for the token buyers.

By having a fixed asset underlying its token, the value of the token will be protected from the possibility of having ZERO worth, or becoming worthless. In addition, the decision of $MISA for initial listing on CEX (Centralized Exchanger) will certainly be a strong reason that will make this token liquid and can be traded anywhere.
Speaking of anywhere, MSA is committed to its road map, not only listing on Indonesian exchanges, but also listing on exchanges of various countries. With this commitment, it will certainly make the $MISA token the most liquid native Indonesian token traded.
This should be a bona fide reason why the $MISA token can be one of the digital asset choices that are worth owning. It is not just an ordinary token, but tokens that really have value in the real world.
We already Have Real Business :
- Plantation — (
- Digital Startup — (
In Indonesia there is no Competitor who already like us, we are the Pioneer
So in 6–12 Month what you will see :
- We will be Lead Indonesia NFT market (
- We will Create Metaverse to Visualisation Our Business
- We will publish all the digital business under MSA

This is Our Present Online Concert this Evening
held at
We Still on IEO Process,
still have Chance to get it at PROBIT GLOBAL
thats why we prepare our website have Vietnam Language

So it will be Clear to understand our Project
Our Token SANGKARA $MISA now Worth
1 $MISA = 0.0005 USDT
Can buy at our IEO at Probit untill 5 December 2021
Token asli karya anak Bangsa Indonesia🔥
⭐️Sangkara (#MISA)🇮🇩 IEO
⏰Durasi: 29 November 2021, 16:00 WIB ~ 5 Desember 2021, 11:00 WIB
💵Harga: $0.0005/MISA
👉Pengumuman IEO (
👉 ( (
🔑 Pengantar (
Part 2: Pre-selected questions from our community
1. Smart contracts are vulnerable to bugs, and even recently three big new DeFi projects were victims of this, costing users funds. How efficient and secured is your smart contract, and did you ever audit it via any external party?
Agustino : YES, We already Audit at our first Step

And We will Audit also with other World Auditor Very soon
initial C ………….
2. What is the advantages of holding for this token for long-term? What is your plan to increase the demand and scarcity of the token? Will you burn them or have buy-back plan?
Agustino : Token’s liquidity will be safeguarded by listing it to several CEX gradually.
Vesting period
• Will be done for Big Investors
• Token will be sent to investor’s wallet periodically every month for 12 months
Token Buy Back will be done annually to reduce the number of token in the market
Increase the number of holder every year by selling the token to communities
Report company fundamental to token holders periodically.
Maintain the supply of the token in the public to refrain the token from over supplied.
Speaking of anywhere, MSA is committed to its road map, not only listing on Indonesian exchanges, but also listing on exchanges of various countries.
With this commitment, it will certainly make the $MISA token the most liquid native Indonesian token traded.
This should be a bona fide reason why the $MISA token can be one of the digital asset choices that are worth owning.
It is not just an ordinary token, but tokens that really have value in the real world.
Conclusion : YES We WILL BUY BACK the Token Frequently
3. Which one of these aspects important for you? 1-Increasing Token Price&Value 2-Empowering Platform Development 3-Building Community Trust 4-Expanding Partnership Globally In what order?
Agustino :
With BUILDING COMMUNITY TRUST , the other will be Follow
For Us no. 1 is TRUST
with Trust you can do Anything, without your Trust SANGKARA $MISA will not Growing
give us SANGKARA a Chance to proof it to you all
4. Where can I buy your tokens right now what is your current contract and how can I buy them??” Will you have any other DeFI feature like staking, yiekd farm or NFT in the future? -Can share a little about your roadmap???
Agustino : 1. To Buy our token SANGKARA $MISA :
⭐️Sangkara (#MISA)🇮🇩 IEO
⏰Durasi: 29 November 2021, 16:00 WIB ~ 5 Desember 2021, 11:00 WIB
💵Harga: $0.0005/MISA
2. We will not Listing at DEFI, we Only listing at CEFI
3. Yes We will do Stacking with some event held , but not for Now
4. YES We have NFT , We work together with many INDONESIAN ARTIST and with BANTAYA HALL
our market place NFT for Indonesian Artist will be at
Detail of Our Road Map can be read at our Lite paper
5. Although ETH 2.0 is delayed to next year, but it will solve all exist problem of ETH and become the best choise for dApps in future, so do you think this is a threat for your project and how could you overcome this barrier?
Agustino : very good Question
threat is also an Opportunity
when there is a barrier , we will create more ladder to go through that
With ETH 2.0 Block Chain will be upgrade to the next level, so i think this will be no threat to SANGKARA $MISA,
for now we are running not in ETHEREUM
We are running on Binance Smar Chain BEP 20
But i think Serenity will make different in world of Block Chain
SANGKARA will see Serenity as opportunity not threat
same like what i see, different language is not barrier, is opportunity to know each other
Indonesia Project can also offer in Vietnam Communities
I will be happy to have many Friends from Vietnam
Question for Part 3: Guests will choose 5 live questions from members and answer directly in CryptoFury Community
1 : Sangkara looks good, but it confuses me that there are so many other Blockchain projects. What should I pay attention in Sangkara to give it the importance it deserves? What are you planning to achieve with your project?
Agustino :That is the Answer, very simple. We are the FIRST Indonesia token doing IEO, We are the PIONEER of token backed an asset in Indonesia. We also have good Connection to create Indonesia artist NFT
2 : Some NFTs are very rich in art value, however, how can you ensure that NFTs exhibited in your platform can reach the demand and “need” of customers? As such, can you explain in details how can you evaluate NFTs and connect artist with customers?
Agustino :Good Question.
First : we have the first ONLINE CONCERT platform in INDONESIA call
second : with the platform we can engage directly with artist and Fans
third : When the Artist and Fans on the same platform meet up, the NFT market Created
3 : Almost 80% investors have just focused on price of token in short term instead of understanding the real value of the project. Can you tell us on motivations and benefits for investors to hold your token in long term? Almost 80% investors have just focused on price of token in short term instead of understanding the real value of the project. Can you tell us on motivations and benefits for investors to hold your token in long term?
Agustino :Yes we understand that
that s why we trying hard to change the point of view of Crypto Currency.
This Crypto is an asset not just a speculate thing
thats why we give this token back up with an FIXED asset and also real business
that will make the price increase not just with rumors or issue
SANGKARA will Increasing the price with good Company Fundamental. its like Blue Chip share on market Stock
4 : Since there is a NFT boom, how do you plan to get most of the advantage from this trend? Is there a plan to implement NFT in an innovative way in order to position Sangkara as one of the best projects in this market?
Agustino : WE are the PIONEER in Indonesia, that why we will Lead this market at Indonesia with Various Artist.
We will put everything together in one place and make some charity event , conference , exhibition, etc
Online and Offline.
however art need also offline if you see our online concert today at , we doing also offline, but off course only limited seat selling for VVIP. this will make NFT increasing, because those VVIP will Buy with very good price
5 : Many NFT platforms provide special privileges for NFT artists. How can I join Sangkara as an artist, what opportunities will open up for me, what can I find on your marketplace for my formation and development? And, what commission will I need to pay for using the platform?
Agustino : Wow, we are very pleasure to let you become our Contributors
please email us at
We will Happy to negotiate the contract for you.
Your opportunities, we will bring Indonesian market to you and also the World
Please see our website first
then email us
Thank you so much everyone for joining us for today session with Sangkara and special thanks to @c_agustino for such an informative session.
All details about Sangkara could be found below:
⭐️ Twitter
📝 More information
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